Flat fares continue in Warrington!

8 months ago Fri 22nd Dec 2023

Adults travelling on any Warrington’s Own Bus continue to pay just £2 flat fare per trip in 2024! In Warrington, Under 19s will pay just £1 per trip.

Warrington’s bus fares continue to benefit from the Help for Households scheme into 2024. Our on bus fares have been unchanged since January 2020 and our season ticket prices since 2015. Over this period, the bus company has absorbed increasing costs to fuel, labour, parts and services.

On eligible services, all adult single tickets are £2. In Warrington, thanks to Bus Service Improvement Plan support from the council, Under 19s will continue to benefit from a £1 single ticket.

Our adult day ticket remains £5.90 on bus and £4.95 on our mobile app.

Child fares are increased in line with inflation to the nearest 10p increment and capped at a maximum of £2. Return tickets increase in proportion and are capped at a maximum of £3 which is equivalent to a child day ticket. Due to the flat fare schemes very few passengers are affected.

Regular customers, who buy day, week, month or annual tickets will not be affected.  Their fares will remain frozen at the 2015 price. 

As ever, if our team can help you with your queries, journey planning or anything further, feel free to get in touch.