Remembrance Day
2 months ago
On Sunday 10th October 2024 between 08:00–13:00 the Remembrance Day parades will be taking place, closing several roads around Warrington.
Diversions are as below: -
Service 1 - Operate from the Bus Interchange via the Tunnel (R) Legh Street, (L) Midland Way, (L) Crosfield Street (A) Parker Street) right at the lights on to the new road to the lights turn right then first left (A) Loushers Lane, (L) Wash Lane, (L) Knutsford Road, (R) Knutsford Road, then normal route to the terminus.
Service 2 - Operate from the Bus Interchange via Scotland Road, then (L) Dial Street, then normal route to Knutsford Road, then (L) Wash Lane, (R) Loushers Lane, (R) Wilderspool Causeway, (1st exit at Roundabout) on to Chester road, turn right at the lights on to the new road (L) Wilson Patten Street/Parker Street, (A) Crosfield Street, (R) Midland Way, (R) Legh Street, (L) into the tunnel and into the Interchange.
Service Cat 5 Outbound journeys to operate from Bus Interchange via the Tunnel, (R) Legh Street (L) Midland Way (L) onto Crosfield Street (A) Parker Street past bank Quay to the lights turn. Straight ahead then at the next set of lights, turn right on to the new road to the end turn left down to roundabout take 4th exit back on to the causeway back on to normal route.
Service Cat 6 (L) Midland Way, (A) Priestley Street, (L) Sankey Street, (R) Parker Street, (R) Slutchers Lane, (L) Chester Road, (R) Wilderspool Causeway, then normal route.
Services 14/16/17/32 (L) Midland Way, (A) Priestley Street to Crossfield’s Island and normal route to terminus. Inbound is the reverse
Service 25 & 28 A Operate via Scotland Road and continue normal route
As is usual with closures of this type, the roads affected may be reopened early on conclusion of the parades. Alternatively, the duration of the parades may be extended due to unforeseen circumstances. Please check before you travel.